Sunday, August 31, 2008
Two peas in a pod...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A new toy
Monday, August 25, 2008
We're having a...
Yes thats right its a boys club at this Wise Family home. I am so excited that Jayden will have a brother and I do love my boys!! The ultrasound went great and everything is measuring right where it should be. His little heart is stong, and was there just beating away at 145bpm. He already has a personality too, during the u/s he was waving to us, kicking away, and when he had cooperated just enough he turned around as if to say, "that's all folks!! No more pictures!" After the u/s we finished the morning by doing our family tradition, which is going to Babies R Us (which is a pregnant girls dream;)) and picking out an outfit for the new baby. I like to pick out the homecoming outfit for the baby but I just couldn't find anything that I thought was special enough so I bought a church outfit for him instead. Then we went to Five Guys Burgers and Frys, which I am sure is now part of the Wise Family Ultrasound Tradition. I am soo excited and feel so blessed to be bringing another little missionary into this family.