Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy Graduation Jonathon!!
Today we went to Jonathon's Graduation and we couldn't be more excited for him!! He graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College and is now Dr. Jonathon Wise!! Congratulations Jonathon we love you and are very proud of you and all your hard work!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Window watcher
Friday, September 19, 2008
Under the Sea
While in Atlanta we decided to check out the Aquarium, and we loved it! Jayden really enjoyed seeing all of the fish and animals, and Geoffrey thought the Titanic exhibit was really great too! I can't wait to go back to Atlanta so we can go to the Aquarium again. It was a great day exploring all of the deep blue sea!
Hi Fish!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Craving
This pregnancy I really haven't been craving anything except a Coke Icee. Just about every night my sweet and diligent husband will go to gas station and bring me a coke icee. He really has become a expert of icee's, he knows exactly the texture and feel to a good one. Which I really appreciate!;) But lately I am not the only one who gets excited when daddy walks in with that special treat. Jayden thinks that these treats are for him and its hard not to share a little sip with him. I mean just look at this face... I guess a big brother has sympathy cravings too!;)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A night in Zarahemla
Tonight we put on a Ward Activity and did a Night in Zarahemla. We ate traditional food like, pork(which I cooked, and was scared to death that it wouldn't turn out), rice and beans, tortillas, salad, bananas, pineapple, berries, and peanuts. The food was great and went pretty quick. Everyone dressed up and after dinner we watched The Testament One Fold One Shepherd. It was a great activity and the night ended great with the youth singing. Thanks to everyone in the ward who helped and made it possible to put this activity together. You guys are great!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Payton!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Shoes
These shoes might not look like anything special but to my little Jayden they are the coolest thing. He made me scrunch his fat block feet in these shoes and when I couldn't lace them up all the way he was so upset. He couldn't even walk in them he just limped around the house for an hour and when I knew that he feet were going to fall off due to lack of cirulation he cried for me to put them back on. By the time I finally got them off his little toes and feet were purple. :(. So I decided to take him to get some new kicks (as Geoffrey would say) and it was a little more challenging than I thought. We went to Stride Rite and Jayden was perfect but the block feet were more tough to fit than I thought. We had to go up to a size 5 and get the extra extra wide fit!! In the whole store there was only 1 pair of shoes that he could get. But at least they fit and they are pretty cute. And Jayden thinks they are cool. So all is well!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Some new Tricks
Jayden has recently learned a few new tricks.....
Saturday, September 6, 2008
game day
Today is Florida vs. Miami and I get to go!! I love going to these football games, and cheering on the gators. It is soo much to me. I love the cheering and the roar of the crowd, and the excitement of the unknown of the teams. It was really hot and sticky but so fun. I don't think that I sat down more than 10minutes during the whole game.(and boy did I pay for that, the worst shin splints ever) I can't wait to go again. Its definately a fun date with Geoffrey. Thanks Grandma and pa pa for watching Jayden so I could go to the game. You are the best! Final score was 26 Florida 3Miami, Go Gators!!
Well its finally here!! The groundbreaking for our new Stake Center!! On a much lighter note this means that we will be cutting our drive time to church by 25 minutes!! Of course it won't happen for a year or so, but I will be counting down till then! I was so excited about this day and I really didn't expect to be quite as excited, but the more I thought about it and pondered these feelings that I had I soon realized why. I am still pretty new to the church(I was baptized about 6 years ago) and this new big building means that the church is growing and that the missionary work is being done and that our Ward and Stake are not just growing by numbers but by spirit as well. I hold a special place in my heart for our missionaries, they are so sweet and have the best testimonies and spirits. I love that Jayden will have the gospel from his earliest of years, and that he will have a building not with just one ward but eventually three. I love that I will be able to tell of how it felt to be there when the Stake President, and our Bishop talked about the possibilities of this new building. Its exciting to think about all the new converts that will eventually be there learning and building their testimonies. Although we were standing in dirt and it was really hot, the ceremony was great! During the hymns that we sang I could barely hold back the tears, the spirit was so strong. I am excited to see the growth of the church in our area, and what this means to my family. I love this church and I know that it is true.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
temple tour
Tonight we took some of our friends(Ben, Mandy, Stephanie, and Greg) to a Temple Tour. It was a great night. President Herzog was our guide and he did a great job, he really brought a sweet spirit with him. He has such a strong testimony of the gospel and is so excited to share it with others. Our friends Ben and Mandy came to learn more about the church, and I could tell that they knew there was something special about this sacred place. While we were waiting to get started, a bride and groom came out of the temple, I had to fight back the tears, Ben and Mandy are engaged and what's a better thing for them to see than someone who was just sealed. It was like the tour was just for them. I love going to the temple, the spirit that is felt there is so precious. I was so glad that we are able to bring our friends and family there and share what is so precious and important to us, and that they are able to feel the spirit and the reverence that is there.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Practice makes perfect
While at the lakehouse Jayden found a baby and decided that he would get some practice in for his real little brother while he can. He carried this baby around for awhile and gave it lots of kisses and hugs. He would put it down to sleep and then pick it up again and carry it around again while he mumbled something to it. He sat down and the baby a book. I was really pretty impressed. I know that he will be so sweet to his little brother when he arrives. I am excited that he will have someone to play and grow with. I love that Jayden is so sweet and caring. I can't wait until he will have a real baby to play with.:)
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