Friday, October 31, 2008
happy halloween
This was Jayden's second Halloween and I think that he really enjoys this Holiday. He loves all of the pumpkins and the decorations, the candy, and his costume. He did so well wearing his costume he didn't even mind the headpiece. This year we went and stopped by Grammie Konnie and Grampy Ricky's house just to show off the duck, and then we headed to my dad's house to get in some trick or treating. Jayden was so fun and I can't wait till next year, to do it all over again. I think that he has made this one of my favorite holidays.
showing us his pumpkins
Thursday, October 30, 2008
pumpkin carving
Tonight we carved our pumpkin, nothing like waiting until the last minute.. Daddy was in charge of this messy process, Jayden didn't really enjoy it that much, he thought it was gross and only put his hand inside the pumpkin once and that was enough for him. Daddy did a good job designing the face of our pumpkin and drawing it out. After we had carved our pumpkin I baked the pumpkin seeds and they were definately a yummy treat!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Britton
Friday, October 24, 2008
Trunk or Treat

Tonight was the Trunk or Treat at Church. I think that it went great! We combined with the Leesburg Ward and we had a really great turnout. It was filled with lots of games, and treats for the kids. Jayden was dressed as a pumpkin tonight (the same pumpkin outfit that Geoffrey wore when he was a baby:) I don't think that Jayden was that fond of the costume, but he was a good sport anyways. I think he made a great pumpkin!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My lil puddin pie
Jayden is now 15 months and we are really trying to work on using a spoon and getting more food in his mouth than on him. He trys so hard to do it, but as you can see more practice is needed. I love watching him try to do things on his own, he is so smart. I forget that he is a lefty like his daddy and sometimes I know I confuse him by showing him how to do it with his right hand..
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Duck Tales
This weekend we decided to go and spend the night at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando. This hotel is just perfect for our little duck lover Jayden because the Hotel has a duck walk twice a day where 5 ducks waddle out of the elevator and into the fountain in the lobby. Jayden could hardly contain himself when it was time for the duck walk to happen, he was soo excited to see the ducks, he would go and bang on the elevator door and start pushing the buttons hoping it would bring the ducks out sooner. Once the ducks arrived into the fountain we literally had to pull him away from the fountain. I can' t wait to take him back and watch the duck parade again, and maybe visit the desert bar in the cafe again too.
Duck in the water
While we visited the Peabody this weekend we took Jayden to the kiddie pool. I thought that it was the perfect place to let him burn off some of his energy, but I didn't know the tricks that he would have up his sleeve.. Sometimes I forget how brave he is around water and while he was playing in a foot of water he decided several times that he would put his whole body under the water (his head included). I had no idea that he was so confident in his swimming ability or lack there of, everytime he did this it gave Geoffrey and me heart palpatations. But Jayden never flinched, we would pull him up out of the water franticly and he would get this big grin like he was proud of his new skills. One time daddy got so scared he stepped in the pool with his jeans, shoes, camera and all. Let's just say we stopped our swimming session after that.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Cypress Gardens
Today we went to Cypress Gardens for the day with Missy, Payton, Katelyn, and Macie. The kids had such a blast and there was so many rides that they could go on. The best part of the whole thing was that it was $10 day and there was maybe a couple hundred people in the park, which was great because we could just walk on any ride we wanted too. Jayden loved the rides he would cry when it was time to get off, he just wanted to keep on going. I can't wait to go back and take the kids.
Monday, October 6, 2008
15 month checkup
Today was Jayden's 15 month checkup and he got a gold star for his health! Dr. Madden said he is a healthy 28lbs and was impressed with his language skills and attentiveness. Jayden is growing so fast and changing everyday. It seems like everyday he is learning something new or doing something that I didn't know he could do. He is so much fun and loves trying new things. He is my little dare devil not afraid of anything. He is a great dancer these days and will bust a move to about any rythemic beat. He loves to eat especially pizza, lemons, strawberries, and red apples. He is a good sleeper and hates to brush his teeth. He loves to play doctor and chef. He folds his arms for prayers and he loves us to read him all kinds of stories. He is the best little boy this mommy and daddy could ask for and we love him sooo much!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
making our shirts
When the boys are at priesthood the girls will tie dye shirts!! This year while the boys were in there meeting, Katelyn, Macie, Missy, and Payton came over to make our shirts for the pumpkin patch! This was my first time tie dyeing and I have to say I am pretty impressed. I think that they turned out great! I like them so much that we are going to make some for us to match the kids.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
General Conference
This weekend was General Conference and what a great conference it was!! I probably think this everytime, but I thought that conference was perfect and couldn't have been better! It was just what I needed, I loved hearing the Prophet and the apostles counsels to us. And something else that I loved was watching Jayden as he watched conference. Everytime the choir would sing he would come in front of the T.V and wave his arms like he was leading the music and then when the song would finish he would fold his arms and what for the prayer even if it was the intermediate song. And he really loved listening and watching the primary children sing during the Saturday session. He would listen intently to the children sing the songs almost as if he knew the songs himself. I just love that he is already learning these important principles. Sometimes going to church feels so silly because I spend more time in the halls then actually in the meetings but seeing Jayden recognize the sequence of the meetings and the songs really made me realize that he is getting it, his testimony is already being formed by the actions of what Geoffrey and I do. Its amazing watching his little spirit grow.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
B is for Britton..
It's party time!! Tonight we threw a shower for Missy and Baby Britton at the Lakehouse. It was a great party with lots of good food, and friends. I am not even going to mention the fact that Jake(my favorite beagle) ate about 2/3's of the party favors that I had worked so hard to make!! So about 3 hours before party time I was rebaking and refrosting cookies!! Missy we love you and can't wait to welcome baby Britton!!
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