What did Geoffrey and I do while we had a couple of nights away from the boys? Well we spent the night in the hospital!! All week long when I was picturing what we would be doing on our little Universal getaway (sleeping in till 12, eating chocolate cake in bed, riding the roller coasters, couples massage, shopping, going to the movies) I never picture Geoffrey in a hospital gown! Friday morning I woke up to Geoffrey complaining of shortness of breath, chest pain, and pressure I was really worried but he insisted on going into the park and having a good day. We made it into the park and as soon as we got off of the mummy ride, I knew he was sick. I decided that we needed to go to the urgent care, once there we saw his BP was 184/118 and his heart rate was in the 140's. The doctor immediately sent us to the ER where the ER Doctor and Cardiologist assured us they would run every test and told us we would be staying the night. It was a really scary ordeal. The doctor's were telling us all these scary and awful diagnoses(impending heart attack, lung clots, etc). I tried really hard to brave but it was really difficult with the nursing background I have, and the Grey's Anatomy episode we watched the night before(a husband dies because of a heart condition). I held his hand and we tried to be positive the whole time, but it was really hard to see your husband all hooked up to wires and everyone concerned about the one organ that is essential to life. It was not the vacation I was so looking forward too. But we were released on Saturday with a diagnoses of pericarditis. We were both relieved and tired and headed back the hotel to rest for our last night before our trip was over. Unfortunately these are all the pictures I got from this weekend...

we had a beautiful room at the Portofino hotel, but this is where we spent the night.. great accommodations huh?

so glad his heart is healthy!! I love you