Today Jayden and I did something a little crazy and lazy and well just plain fun, we ate Cheetos and watched cartoons in bed (on my clean white sheets). Jayden was a little grumpy after he woke up from afternoon nap today and I thought I had just the remedy for a grump, and my medicine worked great, he thought it was so cool to eat in bed with me. I am not so sure that daddy would think this is so great since we were laying on his side of the bed;)(just a couple of orange hand prints..). While we were watching cartoons and snacking Jayden would lay his little head down on my shoulder and look at me (while he was stuffing in the Cheetos) as if to say,"Mom, your the best!" I just love these moments, this mess was definitely worth the clean up.. Besides, what fun is life if you can't be a little messy every now and then..
That is so sweet!
What a good Momma you are. Cora would love for me to do something like that. One of her favorite treats are Cheetos
You need to frame that 1st picture! That is just so precious. He is growing quick! I can"t believe he will be one soon and that Jason is already one! This year has flown by too quickly!
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