Friday, November 19, 2010

Beehive Bash

I am the Second Counselor in YW which means that I am over Beehives. There are many things that I am responsible for and this fun night is one that I love! To welcome in our newbees to our group we kidnapped them and had a party. It was a great night and really brought the girls together. After we kidnapped the girls we took them blindfolded to my house where we dressed the part, made flip flops, and pillowcases. We ate lots of food and treats and had fun getting to know each other better. These girls are great and I love that I get to be with them. They inspire me and show me how to be better.

kidnapping the girls.....
applying our beehive makeup..
the beehive cake that Amber made
The beehives...can you tell who the newbees are?
making pillow cases

our value flops we made....
making the flops...

1 comment:

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

Cute photos! That activity was a lot of fun. :0)