This little guy was so miserable the whole time we were at the beach. He was running a high fever and just was so fussy and not himself. I finally decided to call the doctor and see what I should do, they told me to take him to the ER because they were worried about an adverse reaction from his immunizations. After him screaming for 20 minutes straight we finally decided I would take him.

He was definitely the nurses favorite, they kept coming in to check on him and a couple asked if they could hold him. He was such a trooper, they really put him through the ringer with blood work, ultrasounds, cultures, and x-rays. After hours of being uncomfortable he finally passed out.
It turns out the doctor said he just had a virus and possibly had an adverse reaction to the shots but that he was ok to go home. He had a fever of 102.4 for the next couple of days after we left but it wasn't until we got back home to our house and saw the red rash that I figured out that it was Roseola.

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