So last month it was Landon and this month it is Alex. After ice cream and picking up a pizza to eat for dinner we arrived home and Alex said that he had to go potty. I ran him inside to take him and the little guy just started screaming in pain. He was hurting so bad, after talking to him for a minute I decided that we better get him checked out. He was insisting that we go to the doctor and so we all loaded back in the car and headed quickly into Sanford's Pediatric urgent care. It was such a miserable and scary drive there. I was in the backseat with Alex while he was screaming and thrashing around in pain. He couldn't get comfortable and was even passing out from the pain. I was really worried to say the least. Meanwhile Landon is screaming and Jayden is trying to be brave but was really scared for Alex. When we finally arrive at the urgent care they run some tests and after an enema they say he should be good to go home and rest. Well not even 5 minutes after we leave he has another episode of pain, and screaming. We call the urgent care back and they advise us to go to the Hospital so off to Arnold Palmer we go... He finally calms down after we get there. We were at the hospital until 4:30am waiting for all the tests to come back. Alex was such a trooper, he had x-rays, and a 35 min ultrasound! I knew he really was sick because he laid there still as can be for the whole 35 min ultrasound. He was so brave. The doctor finally released us and said they weren't exactly sure what had caused it and said it could be left over from the virus he had earlier in the week. The only thing they found was a swollen bowel. At 5 am we finally made it home and we(Geoffrey, Alex, Landon, and me) were exhausted! Glad to know it wasn't anything too serious. I am hoping this is the last ER trip for a while!!

finally comfortable!
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