Jayden has been asking for a mommy/daddy day lately and while on a date with Geoffrey we were talking and decided to take the boys to Universal for a couple of days. We had a blast! The park was empty and the weather was really nice. We played and played until we were exhausted!!

He loves cat in the hat ride!

He loved the carousel too.

We shot webs with spiderman...

met the conductor of the Hogwarts express...

He loved Barney, he was so happy. He smiled and clapped the whole time...

Jayden said he was too big for Barney but just wanted to go for his brothers!

He became a Nascar driver while we were away..

went on Roller coasters till our heads were spinning!

tried to take some pictures but some of us wouldn't hold still!!

waiting for the boat to come!

and we transformed into our Heroes!

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