Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Go Magic

Tonight we heading out for our first date since baby Landon came. I am very excited to be out and doing something fun like going to the Magic game. We have great seats and I love going to the games and cheering on the team. The new arena is beautiful. It's not really a true date because we have a four week old tag along but its how it is these days. Landon was really easy just slept the whole time and didn't seem to care how loud everything was. He was a great tag along!

my other date!

Landon 4 weeks old!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


this year we took family pictures with the whole family and this is some of what we got.

light up Mt.Dora

After family pictures we (Katelyn, Macie, Merrik, Natalie, Linda, me, and the boys) all headed to Light up Mt.Dora. The company was great but the chaos of Mt. Dora was not. Next year I will skip this activity, its just not worth waiting for the lights and dealing with all the people. The best part about the night was my spirited little Jayden telling everyone who passed by Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas! After like 10 minutes of doing this Jayden turned to me and said, "Mom its your turn now!" He's so cute and I love his outgoing personality.

enjoying a treat while we wait for the lights

Jayden telling me, "No More Pictures!!"

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday

So the morning is here, the day has come to get out of bed at 4am and hit the stores for the early bird deals. We are ready, excited, pumped up from Pepsi max and ready to spend some money!! Missy, Katelyn, Merrik, Landon, and I headed out way before the sun came up to get some good deals for our Christmas list. We had a blast, however we are looking forward to next year when we will be child free. The babies were great but we did get some looks for dragging two little babies out to the madness. Oh well you gotta do what you gotta do!! There is really no one else that I would wake up that early to shop with and the only thing we have to work on is packing the car a little better so Katelyn doesn't have to sit on the floor! Can't wait for next year girls!!

look how happy Missy is.. and its not even daylight yet...
We are happy that we are out shopping and getting the deals!!

The best black friday shopping partners!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I cannot believe that its already Thanksgiving!! Holiday season is here and we are excited for all the family events it brings. Thanksgiving is starting out right because we are eating at Linda's house. The food was great and the company was even better! I am so thankful for my family and for all the boys Heavenly Father has placed in my family. I feel so blessed with everything and especially everyone Heavenly Father gives to me.

The family on Turkey day!!
the kids table
these boys are hungry!!

rocking my newest blessing baby Landon...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Beehive Bash

I am the Second Counselor in YW which means that I am over Beehives. There are many things that I am responsible for and this fun night is one that I love! To welcome in our newbees to our group we kidnapped them and had a party. It was a great night and really brought the girls together. After we kidnapped the girls we took them blindfolded to my house where we dressed the part, made flip flops, and pillowcases. We ate lots of food and treats and had fun getting to know each other better. These girls are great and I love that I get to be with them. They inspire me and show me how to be better.

kidnapping the girls.....
applying our beehive makeup..
the beehive cake that Amber made
The beehives...can you tell who the newbees are?
making pillow cases

our value flops we made....
making the flops...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Doughnut Day

The only reason I took this picture was really to document that again he does eat and to show off really how excited he is about anything chocolate! Love this picky eater!!

He eats!!

The proof is in the picture!! If you know Alex you know that he never really eats and when he does its a big deal! Well today is even a bigger deal because not only is he eating, its something healthy! That's right this little boy has found that he loves salad!! Yay!! Finally something healthy that he will actually eat!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Landon's Announcement

Here is the announcement that I came up with... I just love this picture! My sweet baby Landon!

Landon's Photo Shoot 2 weeks

Part of having a newborn in house is all the impromptu photo shoots that happen day after day. Here are some of the pictures from his birth announcement photo shoot. I love these pictures because they show off how little and precious he is.

I just love this one, it really shows how small he is ..