Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Youth Temple trip

Tonight I went to the Temple with the Youth and had a great time. I just love going to the Temple and especially love going with the Young Women. I like seeing the Beehives so excited to be there and do the work for those who have gone before.
Some of the girls..
Some of the youth..

I love working with these ladies they are both so great...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

girls camp 2010

Girls Camp this year was great, spiritual, fun, gross, and extremely HOT!! I love the Young Women but camp is not really my cup of tea. I do not like sleeping and showering with the bugs. Some things I love about camp is watching the girls learn and feel the Spirit, I love seeing the girls come together, and hearing their re-commitment to the Gospel. All these Young women are so special and different and I am so excited to be able to work with them.

Linda doing a great job in her skit!
Natalie and Hannah singing a silly song and loving it!!
Our Skit, go girls!

The cake that Robin made for the girls. We were the ice skate and our color was blue. So cute huh?!
Natalie cooling off in the slip n' slide. Look at her splash!
Check out Kirstie!!
Jensen was the best slider, she would fly off and land in the grass everytime!
hannah making a value bracelet.
Josie and Sarah painting their pavers...
Rick helping out and working hard laying the pavers..
Look at this women of Virtue...

My beehives of virtue!!
Brianna showing off her genealogy project
I am trying to be a Daughter of Virtue
This is the tree of Virtue. Hanging from the tree were testimonies from the YCL's and empty picture frames for you to go and take a picture reminding you to be Virtuous. I thought this was so cute.
Our humble home...and trust me it didn't always look like this with 18 girls and 3 leaders...

On the way to girls camp!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

grandpa's boys

Every week my parents come over to watch the boys so Geoffrey and I can go out for a date. The boys really love that they get to play with them. They wrestle with grandpa and make things and treats with grandma. It means the world to me that they get to play and spend time with my parents and that they have so much fun together.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy daddy's day! This year Geoffrey wasn't around for Father's Day so we celebrated a little early. The boys sang to daddy(which he loved) and we gave him his presents, and lots of love. These boys and I really love Geoffrey so much and feel so lucky to have him in our lives.

This is what Grandma and the boys made daddy for Fathers Day.
lots of love to our daddy...

Friday, June 18, 2010

toy story 3

Its finally here Toy Story 3!! Jayden has been counting down the days until it was time to go watch the movie. He smiled all the way to the theater and smiled even bigger when he realized that he got to wear glasses and a big blue icee.

my little cowboy Woody before the movie.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

eat and sleep

One thing I love about this little boy is that he will fight going to sleep until he just can't take it anymore. He falls asleep pretty often when he is eating and it just cracks me up. I just love it! He is so sweet and tries so hard to be big like Jayden.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Primary activity

Jayden and Alina are so cute together! They just love hanging out with each other..

Today we headed on over to Wooten Park for our primary activity. It was really hot and the kids had a blast playing in the water park and enjoying pizza and ice cream sundaes. The boys loved running crazy in the water.

Practice makes a good big brother

Alex has been practicing for his new baby to arrive. He has been feeding, burping, snuggling,and taking his baby for walks. I guess he wants to brush up on his skills;). The funny thing is that Jayden really takes it serious and shows Alex just what to do..

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Round and Round he goes...

Check out my big boy Alex!! He was so excited to get out there and skate with Grandma and Grandpa. Jayden didn't seem to care about skating at all he was more interested in the arcade games.

yay Alex!!

This little guy couldn't only skate for ten minutes because the skates made his little feet so heavy!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Camp Shirts

Girls camp is right around the corner and what is a girl to wear but a really cute ice skate t-shirt!! I had the girls over and we all decorated our shirts and laughed and enjoyed brownie sundaes. I had so much fun having these girls over its nice to have a house full of crazy girls every now and then!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

small simple thanks

Today I have had a busy chaotic day but between the crazy moments I have noticed some things to be thankful for like...
two healthy little boys that never run out of energy(even after swimming for 2hrs)
how good they were while I drudged through every aisle just to find a paint marker at JoAnns
how Jayden's little gorilla figure landed in the pocket of the door, just as I am frantically searching the parking lot at Target
yummy cookies from Panera Bread to end a busy day/evening
Jayden's good example of how to sit during prayer.. and Alex copying his brother
snuggling my boys to sleep
and for the little hands that rub my belly assuring their baby they already love him!

I love these times when I can actually stop and see some blessings during my busy day.

Trick Pony

So little did Daddy know that Aztec is a trick pony when he bought him. But as you can see Jayden assures us that its his job to do tricks... like ride backwards, ride with closed eyes, jump over toys/furniture, spin in circles, and of course stand up while riding... I can see major injuries in the near future... (Note to self program urgent care in phone)