Friday, May 30, 2008

A whale vs. a minnow

While we were away in Cocoa this weekend we had to run to Walmart to get a few things and while cruising for a parking space we came across the most ironic spot in the whole lot. Wouldn't you know that we had to park next to a smart car?! I don't know if you have seen this car in person, I hadn't until now but it is not much bigger than a golf cart and it is supposed to be the "big" thing if you want to go green. Well next to my Whale of a car it is truly minuscule. I think that whole car is as big as mine is wide.. I don't know if these pictures actually do it justice and maybe its not even funny but to Geoffrey and I it was kinda humerous.


SpaceyKasey said...

Ha! You're so funny.

Fisher Family said...

When we were in Germany back in 2000 we'd see these on the autobahn all the time. I guess they were all the rage there even back then. Funny how I've just started seeing them here. cute post!

The McGraths said...

Those cars are so goofy looking!