Thursday, September 1, 2011


Now I know what you are thinking... It's late in the year to start making resolutions but I feel that I am in dire need to make some changes so here it goes.....

1. Always, Always stay current on this blog!! I hate playing catch up, and I am usually a month behind...

2. attend the Temple at least twice a month, I love going there and miss it when I don't get to go...

3. Get organized in my YW things...PP charts I am talking about you!

4. Play tennis or get active at least a couple times in the week... I really want to hit the courts;)

5. Eat, Cook, and Feed myself and the family more healthy, natural things...this one will have to be a work in progress.

Separately these tasks do not sound too bad or overwhelming so I am trying to stay positive and just put my shoulder to the wheel and push these resolutions along. I love my boys, and Geoffrey and that is why I am trying so hard to make these changes. I want to be the healthiest I can be and I especially want that for my family. I know how important and sacred these bodies are and I want to keep them that way. So lets get to work family!!!

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