Monday, October 4, 2010

Tampa Children's Museum

Recently the Glazer Children's Museum opened up in Tampa and I decided to pack up and head down there to check it out. I love children's museums I think they are some of the best places for little ones. Missy and I packed up the kids and after a little bit of an adventure (getting lost, and turning down a couple of one way streets) we finally arrived. The museum was great!! The kids had a blast, playing and exploring with all of the exhibits.

driving the firetruck, these boys loved this. And Britton couldn't believe they left the key in the truck!! After an experience with the golf cart, this is as much driving as these two will be doing for a long time!!!

the cutest and most brave firefighter I ever saw!!
the kids running the vet's office.. these animals are in good hands...
making surprise they knew exactly what to do here...
tearing up the dance floor... the more I watch these two, the more I know Missy and I are in for some trouble as they grow up!!
making a Batman mask of course!
Look at Spiderman go...

digging for buried treasure...
Treasure Jayden run!!

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